Contradiction in Style
Paradox is contradiction. It is anomaly. It is enigma. It invokes wonder. It turns heads. It keeps life in check and flips it upside down. If you’re still questioning what Paradox is, it’s okay. We don’t expect you to understand. That is what we are…Paradox.
The paradox is your Distinguished Luxury Lifestyle Magazine that covers everything at its apex. We detail the phenomena sweeping the globe and the people who make an impact on our culture. We capture the views and ventures you’ve only dreamt of seeing or doing. Whether it’s the designs on the runways, the billion-dollar movies on the screens, or the Michelin-star restaurants you can’t get a reservation at, we’re there.
A Taste of Luxury
At Paradox, we combine the high-end fashion of Paris Fashion Week, the luxury of Hollywood, and the dreamers who defy the status quo. We recognize their impact and give them a platform to tell their stories. The result: everything that matters, anyone who breaks barriers, and anything draped in luxury. Why? Because without the artists and the designers, we would have nothing.
Creative MInds
Not only will we discuss pressing matters like what Gwyneth Paltrow’s next candle smells like or what tired franchise is getting another reboot, but we will also cover everything in entertainment. That means film, culture, cars, fashion, and food. Essentially, the only things that matter.
We celebrate entertainment through our elite writers and dedicated staff. They live on the red carpet and sleep in the green room just to witness prestige in real-time. We got there by knowing the right people, saying the right things, and asking compelling questions. So far, we’ve been doing all right for ourselves.
Celebration of
Understanding the upper-class world is something most of us won’t experience or even begin to comprehend. Paradox has been there and done that. The best we can do is try to fill you in. As difficult as that sounds, someone has to cover the spice of life while you’re at your desk job.
Meet Us
Patrick Ong
Staff Writer
Patrick Ong is a staff writer at Paradox Magazine, where he covers art, music, food, film and pop culture. His most recent cover story was a thrilling profile on Hollywood actor/director Donavon Warren. He loves cheesecake, running into dogs on the sidewalk, and ignoring their owners.
Yung Lae
Staff Writer
Yung Lae is a staff writer at Paradox Magazine, where she writes about cars, food, and jumping into new fashion. She loves street food and conversations about castles.